Battery for the 403720B-00500 Cobham EXPLORER 710 Terminal 710 BGAN Terminal
Battery: Lithium ion, rechargeable
Battery type: Lithium Ion
Voltage: 10.95 Volt
Capacity: Typ. 5700 mAh
Time between recharging
Tx time, max :
2h30m @ 144 kbps
1h30m @ 492 kbps
Rx time, max :
3h30m @ 492 kbps
Charge time: 2h. 30 min. charge time
Charge temperature : 0 to 45°C (in Japan: 10 to 45°C)
Min. charge cycles : 300 (typically up to 500)
Storage temperature:
1 Month : -20 to 60°C
3 Months : -20 to 45°C
1 Year : -20 to 25°C